Join our parish ministries


Adoration to the blessed sacrament I Adoracion al Santisimo sacramento

  • Chapel / Capilla
  • Every Thursday / Cada Jueves: 9 am - 5:30 pm

Altar Society

Become a member of the Altar Society.

  • Richard and Linda Klos
  • (831) 633-2312

El Sembrador Nueva Evangelizacion

  • Salon de San Padre Pio
  • Meets the first Saturday of every month starting with the Mass at 7 pm

Encuentro Matrimonial - Marriage Encounter

Please call coordinator for English Services.

  • Salon de San Juan Diego

Escuela de Evangelizacion

  • Salon Richard
  • Meets Thursday’s at 7pm

Grupo de Oración

  • Parroquia
  • Miércoles a las 7 p.m. en la capilla

Interfaith homeless emergency Lodging program (I-Help)

It's a wonderful time to come together as Christ's church & fellowship with our brothers less fortunate than us. So bring a dish to share & enjoy the time we have together.

  • Lisa Brom
  • (831) 682-0126
  • Every 3rd & 4th Tuesday of the month


Are you interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister, Lector/Commentator, Altar Server, or an Usher?

  • Parish Office
  • 831 633 4015
  • Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church


Like to sing or play an instrument? Become a parish Musician.

  • Parish Office
  • 831 633 4015

Sociedad de las Martas

Sirviendo mediante labores de limpieza y orden en nuestra parroquia,edificios, jardines y demas espacios parroquiales.

  • Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church
  • Friday mornings (9am join us to clean the church and eat)